Monday, February 18, 2013

Online Experience

I think my students would benefit most from an online experience in the form of a WebQuest or a Wiki.  I feel that since they are younger (second graders), the teacher involvement piece is critical in developing their online personality as a student.

Either of these online experiences could help me teach any subject.  WebQuests are great for Math or Science as the task section of a WebQuest is a great way to enforce and develop problem solving skills.  I've used the WebQuest experience for a math review task already and I can't wait for my students to try it out.

Wikis are excellent online experiences for reading and writing.  I have used wikis for book clubs and opinion writing in 5th grade and I can see using it for reading comprehension and typing skills for the younger grade that I am currently teaching.

I think that a lot of the simulations and blogging online experiences would be difficult for my students to be successful with as the are so young and inexperienced with educational technology experiences.  I think that with lower elementary students you have to keep them reigned in to ensure their safety online and to ensure their success.


  1. WebQuests and Wikis are definitely my favorite online teaching tools. My work environment is academic advising and I also have experience in the classroom as a high school teacher. Because of this, I was initially taken aback when you said you teach 2nd graders. The lack of experience on behalf of students must be challenging! I agree with you, however. If the pedagogy is solid and teachers are able to lead effectively, these technologies can be great tools!

  2. Hi Erika,

    I'm curious as to how you've used wikis for book clubs with your students? I'm secondary ed, not elementary, but that idea jumped out at me and intrigued me.

    I appreciate how you consider the age of your students in your blog post/thoughts. I agree that providing the right amount of support and oversight is necessary to help students learn to their potential and stay safe when they use online tools.

  3. The resources you have developed in this course have been excellent models of educational technology. I agree--that teacher guidance is critical for the K-3 set, yet their ability to create can be as good, or better than the later years. I've seen wonderful digital stories produced by younger kids--once they can master the tools, they can create content that is pretty good.
